Mango Crepe Cake Recipe

by Layla suzette

I rolled up the crepe cake and made a different shape mango crepe cake
Like a roll cake, I crepe a cream and mango and roll it up and roll it to the side.
The outside is coated with a mango puree glaze and it feels elegant
If you make butter cream and harden it in the fridge, the shape is well maintained and the cream goes well with the mango taste.
Mango slices should be sliced ​​as thin as possible to dry well
The cake is shaped like never seen anywhere, so the process is complicated and fun but made it

Mango Crepe Cake Recipe

Mango Crepe Cake

Rating: 5.0/5
( 1 voted )


  • 3 Eggs
  • 40g Sugar
  • 1g Salt
  • 150g Cake flour 
  • 375g Milk
  • 50g Melted unsalted butter


  • 300g Unsalted butter
  • 250g Powdered sugar 
  • 100g Whipping cream
  • 10g Vanilla extract 
  • 80g Mango puree

  • 100g White chocolate
  • 40g Whipping cream
  • 60g Starch syrup 
  • 5g Gelatin sheet
  • 80g Warm mango puree
  • Food coloring (orange, yellow, white)


  1. Add sugar and salt to the egg, mix, sift the flour and add about 100 g of milk.
  2. Add all the remaining milk, mix it, add the melted salted butter and mix it.
  3. Put the pan on low heat, apply cooking oil, pour the dough and spread it out.
  4. Gently unscrew the dried salted butter at room temperature, divide the sugar powder into 2 cups, whip, add fresh cream and vanilla extract, and whip well until it is rich for more than 5 minutes.
  5. Add mango puree and whip to finish.
  6. Divide the chilled crepes into 3 pieces, attach 2 or 3 pieces of crepes, apply cream, and rub.
  7. Connect crepes, paste cream, slice sliced ​​mango, cover with cream, and repeat.
  8. Roll up to some extent and apply cream on one side and place it on the plate with the cream on the bottom.
  9. Apply creme with cream and mango on top of each other.
  10. Take out the cake again and apply cream.
  11. Put fresh cream and starch syrup in white chocolate and melt in a microwave oven for 30 seconds.
  12. Add food coloring, sieve, sieve, pour over the cake and coat it in the fridge for about 20 minutes.
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