Homemade Dry Cake

by Tiffin Box

Hi everyone, very glad to share with you this recipe of Homemade Dry Cake or cake rusk. This is a perfect bakery-style rusk recipe and very easy to make. You can enjoy this crispy cake rusk in Breakfast/ as tea time snack or just pack for kids Tiffin.

How to make bakery-style dry cake rusk at home?

Rating: 5.0/5
( 1 voted )


  • All purpose flour - 1 cup
  • Baking Powder - 1.5 tsp
  • Sugar - 1/2 cup
  • Butter - 100 g
  • Egg - 3 medium
  • Vanilla essence - 1 tsp
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You should try this recipe once…I’m sure, you’ll going to fall in love with this.

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